IV Compatibility Chart View

Project type
UX design


Nurse Clinician

Product Description

When multiple IV medications are combined, the risk of complication is very real. Efficacy of one or more drugs can be reduced or a potentially dangerous incompatibility can occur.

Micromedex IV Compatibility enhances patient safety by informing clinicians of potentially dangerous IV drug combinations, providing informed treatment decisions at the point of care.

  • Helps clinicians interpret conflicting compatibility results by identifying contributing factors such as physical compatibility, storage, study period, container, and chemical stability
  • Includes drug-solution compatibility results as well as drug-drug compatibility results when creating an admixture or administrating via Y-Site or syringe.

Design Problem

Micromedex IV Compatibility tool was originally designed with hospital pharmacists in mind, offering a comprehensive drug, disease and toxicology information. However research found that nurse clinicians in critical care situations also referenced the tool to ensure a drug was compatible before administering it to their patient.

Insights learned from research and heuristic evaluation

  • IV Compatibility is often the top question pharmacists get from nurses because the tool is too hard to use and would rather call and ask the pharmacist
  • There are too many steps in workflow resulting in the nurse's inability to make quick decisions
  • Nurses did not necessarily need the same level of granular details offered to a pharmacist
  • Nurses want information displayed in such a way that they do not misunderstand or overlook its importance
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Design Solution

Introduce IV Compatibility chart view feature

  • Provide nurses with access to information at the point of care that they are accustomed to confirm and verify drug compatibility questions prior to patient administration.
  • Reduce calls from nurses into pharmacy
  • Provide pharmacists a convenient and centralized offline way to quickly confirm the advisability of mixing intravenous drugs

Remove ambiguity around the term "Caution: Variable"

  • Reducing calls from nurses into pharmacy
  • Delivering compatibility insights to nurses faster, without having to dig into the granular details

Enhance UX/UI

  • Update / align style of UI to provide a more consistent experience across the various Micromedex offerings
  • Improve information architecture to reduce misunderstanding and improve ease of use
  • Reduce the amount of clicks to get to relevant information
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