Procedure Cost Map

Project type
UX design
IBM Watson Health
Treatment Cost Calculator

Health Plan Members


Product Description

The Treatment Cost Calculator is a consumer price transparency tool that helps consumers manage their healthcare costs, objectively evaluate treatment alternatives and find savings by comparing providers and facilities.

It mines MarketScan® claims data of more than 300 employers with 25 million covered lives to create cost estimates through advanced algorithms, event grouper methodologies and more.

  • Research and plan for healthcare expenses
  • Estimate deductibles, out-of-pocket costs and coinsurance
  • Compare price differences among providers, facilities and regions
  • Search for and compare providers with quality information and patient reviews
  • Improve health literacy and interactions with providers

Design Problem

Research showed that although consumers are paying a larger portion of their healthcare costs than ever before, they are increasingly confused about their benefits and rarely have access to accurate cost information before treatment.

Business goal:

  • Prepare for upcoming US Regulations on healthcare transparency
  • Improve health literacy by establishing expectations regarding the end-to-end journey of a plan member's upcoming procedure such as Knee Replacement or Maternity Care and other services across the continuum of care
  • Expand provider comparison feature to allow the procedure cost map to be personalized, by shopping for best cost by preferred physician / facility
  • Breakdown of costs using both aggregate and granular data
  • Create a design pattern that is flexible to ensure it can handle a wide variety of episode of care configurations for each client
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Design Solution

Introduce new feature - procedure cost map

  • Explored alternative ways to visualize episode of care journey through rapid wireframing.
  • Expanded price transparency from an individual procedure or service (micro), to a collection of procedures and services (macro) and grouped into a single episode of care.
  • Surfaced new insights including explanation of each step in the journey, expected cost and duration including the impacts to out-of-pocket costs based on when an episode of care is scheduled and the current plan / benefit year so the user can make informed decisions.

Enhance UX/UI

  • Usability testings of prototype received a SUPR-Q score of 4 or higher for usability, credibility, loyalty and appearance.
  • Updated / aligned style of UI with existing design system.
  • Improved information architecture to reduce misunderstanding
  • Reduced the amount of clicks to get to relevant information by grouping all steps into a single episode of care.
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