Tox & Drug Product Lookup

Project type
UX design
IBM Watson Health

Poison Control Center Specialist

Hospital Emergency Department Clinicians

Product Description

Having instant access to critical information in time-sensitive emergency situations can save lives.

The Micromedex Tox and Drug Product Lookup tool is the largest and most trusted evidence-based resource, helping poison control centers and hospital emergency departments across the world identify, manage, and treat toxicological exposures.  This resource includes information of 470,000+ commercial products, chemicals, drugs, toxic plants, and animals.

  • At-a-glance product and substance identification
  • Access to clinical effects and range-of-toxicity data
  • Current treatment protocols for exposures
  • Searchable by thousands of slang drug terms
  • Reduces errors and enhances patient care

Design Problem

Micromedex product managers and developers had launched offering and subsequent releases without a consulting design team.

There was no one to advocate for the user and decisions were made without understanding user needs and pain-points, often missing the mark of what clients wanted which resulted in a less desirable product.

Under new leadership, UX Design and Research now had a seat at the table forming a multidisciplinary team that was focused on user outcomes.

Insights learned from user research and heuristic evaluation

  • Poison Control Specialists found it difficult to find and access information in a time-sensitive, emergency situations.
  • Search schema was not prioritized based on the users needs in order to choose the correct product or substance
  • Search results header had evolved into a mishmash of disjointed filters and display widgets
  • Functional bloat from over 45 years of development had left the system difficult to maintain and unable to return clear and logical results
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Design Solution

Introduce new feature - preview pane view

  • Provides users with an alternative way of viewing complex drug monographs with access to more granular details without having to click way from the search results page, saving users valuable time

Introduce new feature - search by active ingredient

  • Provides users ability to quickly search similar products or generic substances that have same active ingredients as primary search result, surfacing new insights

Improve search schema

  • Simplified search form by allowing users to search across all topics while providing targeted / focused search patterns for information specific active user use case
  • Partner with software developers and engineers to ensure users searched terms return results higher in the search results as expected by users

Enhance UX/UI

  • Improve the speed in which Poison Control Center Specialists locate and extract product / substance information in order to recommend care management in time-sensitive emergency situations
  • Update / align style of UI to provide a more consistent experience across the various Micromedex offerings
  • Maintained existing list view so not to disrupt existing workflows
  • Improve information architecture to reduce misunderstanding and improve ease of use in identifying the right drug / substance
  • Reduce the amount of clicks to get to relevant information
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